Structure Editor (StrEdit)

The Structure Editor (StrEdit) is a tool to edit “.str” files.

Structure files are created with the Instant Structures Mod (ISM) by scanning Minecraft buildings. Both programs are developed by Marc Schmidt alias MaggiCraft. He uses the Structure Editor to overwork submissions by ISM users to add them to ISM.

Editable attributes

But what does it mean to edit a structure file?
Basically, it means to edit the information of a structure. For example you can select a structure and change the name of it or the creator. So typos and inaccurate information can be corrected. Here is a list of attributes that can be changed:

  • file name of the structure
  • structure name
  • creator
  • genre
  • link
  • tags
  • description
  • depth of the structure

editable information








1. File Name

The name of the file that stores the structure. You can activate the ISM naming conventions. This feature generates the file name based on the structure and creator name. ISM naming convention: “STRUCTURE NAME (CREATOR)”

2. Structure Name

This name will be displayed at various locations in Instant Structures Mod. For example as the name of item of the structure or in the structure wiki.

3. Creator

Every creator have an own page in the structures wiki that displays all of his structures. Thus, it is important to always use the same creator name.

4. Genre

Up to now, structure files support 11 different genres. “Modern houses”, “Modern structures”, “Medieval buildings”, “Castles”, “Asia buildings”, “Oriental buildings”, “Ships”, “Vehicles”, “Sci-Fi”, “3D Art” and “Pixel-Art”. Plus 3 additional genres, which are calculated on the number of blocks.

  • “Huge structures” more than 50,000 blocks but less than 125,000.
  • “Giant structures” including 125,000 blocks but less than 500,000.
  • “Insane structures” including 500,000 blocks and more. These buildings are really incredibly large.

5. Link

This link refers to the official website or blog entry of the creator or structure. This attribute is optional.

6. Tags

A quantitive of tags that are separated by commas. Tags can help to describe your structure apart of the genre and title. Thereby words included in the title or genre should not repeated. This attribute is optional.

7. Description

A few sentence about your structure. Maybe you want to tell a mysterious story about your structure. This attribute is optional.

8. Depth of the structures

Some structures contain a basement or a swimming pool. In order to place these structures at the expected height, ISM places them lower. For example a building have a basement that is 4 blocks deep, you choose 4 as the depth. The basement will no longer placed at the surface. Red squares indicate the depth of the structure. The squares can be considered as surface.

Non-editable attributes

A structure file contains many more attributes. These attributes can not be changed. Some of them are important in order to place the structure correctly. Here is a short list.

  • quantity of blocks a structure stores
  • the direction from which it was scanned (north, west, south, east)
  • the dimensions (length, width and height)
  • how many different blocks are scanned
  • date of creation
  • a unique id
  • the Minecraft version it was scanned with
  • the ISM version it was created with
  • the version of the scanner

non-editable information








Select structures and folders

You can add an input folder by copying the path name of a folder to the text field “input folder”. Or you just open select one from StrEdit. Make sure that this folder contains “.str” files. Select an output folder which is used to store the edited structure files. You can choose the output folder with the same way as the input one.

A drop down menu displays all structures contained in the input folder.

paths - Structure Editor (StrEdit)

Animated model

Animated Model

Animate - Structure Editor (StrEdit)

Sometimes it’s hard to assign name, genre and description of a structure, because you have no image in mind. To prevent this Structure Editor can animate your structure in 3D. Granted, it does not look as nice as Minecraft, but fulfill its purpose. An algorithm calculates the position and size of the model. You can edit the height, size, rotation and rotation speed of the model.

Credits and official websites

Structure Editor (StrEdit) developed by Marc Schmidt (MaggiCraft). StrEditor contains packages of JOGL which are licensed under various licenses and classes of the Apache Software Foundation.

The official websites and forum threads are:

Page: Structure Editor - Instant Structures Mod (ISM) for Minecraft by MaggiCraft, last update: